
受处罚的英文 接受处罚的英文

频道:法律科普 日期: 浏览:1224

1、处 chǔ fá 处基本解释 依据法令规章,加以惩,即使犯错误或犯罪的人受到政治或经济上的损失而有所警戒 处解释 对犯错误或犯罪的人加以惩治汉书·师丹传“知 丹 社稷重臣,议罪。

2、forfeit n因犯罪过失违约等而丧失的东西, 没收物, 款 vt 没收, 丧失 adj丧失了的 forfeiture n 丧失, 没收物, 款 penalty n处款 smart money n 款, 抚恤金, 因掌握内情而下的赌注 fine。

3、像她妈妈过去一样,她是个很好的歌手2adv可接受够好蛮不错 That suits me fine这对我很合适3n款 The driver paid a fiftydollar fine for speeding司机因超速行驶付了五十元的金4v处。

4、fines fainzn 款fine的复数粉末骨料 v 使精变好处以金fine的三单形式ore fines 粉矿矿石颗粒 n款fine的复数粉末骨料 penalties, powders 大哥,采纳吧我求求你。

5、给敌人致命一击 to inflict a wound on somebody 使某人受伤 to inflict heavy casualties upon the enemy 使敌人伤亡重大 使受处加刑常与on,upon连yòng to inflict the death penalty upon the murderer 对。

6、问题八quot处quotyòng英语怎么说 处 词典 punish penalize catch up with e down upon prog例句队员迟到要受处Team members will be penalized for lateness问题九款的英语怎么说? amerce E5mE。

受处罚的英文 接受处罚的英文

7、任何人一dàn犯法,都将受到严厉处yòng英语非谓语动词翻译Anyone who breaks the law is to be punished severely注解上面句子中的黑体字就是非谓语动词,做表语拓展知识非谓语动词,又叫非限定动词,是指在句子中。

8、严重违反纪律的处 词典 体game misconduct penalty A serious violation of discipline例句Game misconduct penalty In military discipline, thosewho violated the discipline would be severely punished严重违反纪律。

9、d 俚语被击败,束手无策一蹶不振筋疲力尽11 have had someone or something对某人或某事物已受够了或厌倦了12 have it a 取得胜利或优势b 受打击受处,受到责打 c 遭受灾难 d。

受处罚的英文 接受处罚的英文

10、禁赛处yòng英文的说法是match ban1Pavel Nedved was able to start,as his fivematch ban does not apply to this tournament内德韦德开球,他的五场比赛的禁赛跟这场比赛没有关系2Juventus have decided to。

11、get into trouble 招致不幸, 陷入困境, 遭受处 使未嫁怀孕 被捕, 坐牢 get out of trouble 使摆脱不幸困境 使免受责骂处give sb trouble 烦人家 go to the trouble 不怕烦 特意后常接 of。

12、“受到法律的制裁”应该是 face legal sanctions“受到法律的制裁”与“受到法律的惩”是不一样的be punished by law 只是受到法律惩,而非制裁谈到法律,yòng词须严谨例句Having done that, he will face。

13、deserve to do = be supposed to do 应该做某事,如you deserve to help anyone who needs helpdeserve sth 应的该得 如I was punished by my father我被爸爸惩了You deserve it你活该。

14、做为处受,被处 刑 ,被判He got six months in prison他被判六个月 徒刑He got what was coming to him他受到应得的报应10 a 从收音机电视上 收听,收看 lt广播电台电视台。

15、reward = 奖励 动词,名词punish = 惩 动词 punishment 名词。


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